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Artificial intelligence (AI) in the ICU provides opportunities for improved patient outcomes and reduced burnout. AI can support tasks such as predictive analytics, resource allocation, and administrative duties. Adoption and integration of AI will enhance productivity and streamline workflows.
Critical care clinicians are consistently challenged by the demanding nature of their work environment, which requires rapid decision-making and efficient management of complex patient cases. Work smarter with AI-driven tools to optimize clinician productivity. This webcast, led by experts, will provide strategies for effective implementation in daily practice.
Earn 1 accredited continuing education credit. This webcast is provided by SCCM’s Leadership, Empowerment, and Development (LEAD) Program.
Review airway and mechanical ventilation management strategies for critically ill patients. Topics covered include airway assessment; emergent intubation; airway management pharmacology; rescue techniques for maintaining ventilation; traditional and novel techniques for difficult airway management in adult patients; and indications, contraindications, and benefits of ventilatory support modes. After studying the text and viewing the presentations online, attend this full-day skills session and learn and practice with expert faculty at interactive skill stations encompassing laryngoscopy, fiberoptic intubation, surgical approaches to airway establishment, and rescue strategies. Skill stations on mechanical ventilation will focus on mode selection, troubleshooting patient-ventilator dyssynchrony, and alternative modes available for the critically ill adult patient.
Join clinicians, researchers, industry leaders, and investors to ignite impactful change in critical care! Designed to foster collaboration among leading minds across diverse disciplines, this event will:
Whether you’re an entrepreneur in the trenches or a motivated clinician-innovator, the Critical Care Innovation Incubator offers resources to help you navigate the innovation landscape.